Wednesday 20 June 2012

Torchlight 1: My Destroyer build

Hello all,

I've been lurking on the forums ever since I found out about Torchlight. I played D2 for many years after it came out, and eventually switched to playing a modded version of D2 (Median for those who've played it before). In both versions of the game I often used builds others had created which, now that I look back at it, is something I kind of regret. I certainly had fun playing those games but I've decided to try something new and come up with a build prior to playing Torchlight and provide it for others to possibly use! :D 

Warning: If there is anyone who does not want to know the character skills before release, then don't continue reading.

This build is designed for use on the more difficult game settings (hopefully Hardcore), though it could certainly be used on the less difficult settings. It's intent is to maximize crowd control while dealing out significant damage and minimizing damage taken (which I suppose is somewhat ideal, and I hope it works). This build is complete at level 93 (don't know if I'll have the patience to finish the build before trying another character), not taking into account Fame skills points. I didn't include them as I'm unsure how many the typical player will accrue while playing. Also, it doesn't include spells or your pet because, again, I have limited knowledge of these at the moment. Anywho, here goes! (Any skills that aren't included are meant to be left at 0 skill points):

For a description of the skills go to: ... =Destroyer

Berserker Tree
Lvl 1:
Slash Attack - 10 skills points (SP); This will be the primary way to spread the damage to the monsters that have been stunned (more on this later)
Dual Wielding - 10 SP; This build will dual-wield, and this skill will passively improve our damage while doing so.
Lvl 15:
Chain Vortex - 1 SP; This will take the place of Titan Stomp as our crowd control skill until we get Spectral Decay. While it doesn't cause much damage, it temporarily stuns all nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
Lvl 20:
Spectral Echo - 5 SP; If I understand the skill's description, this will provide us with a timed amount of added AOE damage to our attacks.
Critcal Strikes - 10 SP; This is key to the build. It increases the amount of damage our critical strikes deal, and increases the chances of a critical strike. The idea being that at level 10 there will, hopefully, be a 10% greater chance to deal a critical strike of more than twice your normal damage.
Lvl 25:
Devastate - 10 SP; This will be one of the main skills the build uses. Not only does it deal massive damage, but it also provides 4 monster debuffs (3 slowing debuffs and 1 armor debuff).

Titan Tree
Lvl 5:
Titan Stomp - 1 SP; This will be the first crowd control skill we come across. It knocks enemies back, provides some damage, and includes a chance to stun (though not as much stun as Chain Vortex). I concentrated on stun because I find it more useful than knocking enemies back and having to run and hit them. Though I haven't played the game yet, so it may not be that bad and Chain Vortex may not be needed.
Martial Weapons Expertise - 10 SP; Another source of passive weapon damage. It also lowers equipment requirements.
Lvl 15:
Frost Shield - 5 SP; A useful defensive skill that reduces the amount of damage taken, provides a chance to freeze enemies that hit you and provides a good bit of knockback resistance.
Lvl 20:
Block and Parry - 5 SP; Increases the chance that we block an incoming attack, whether we have a shield or not (which is nice since we're dual-wielding).

Spectral Tree
Lvl 1:
Shadow Armor - 1 or 5; Summons a phantasm that will fight by your side, mitigating your damage intake. I'm unsure if the 4% chance to block is an added bonus for the character or the phantasm. My reasoning for the 1 or 5 SP is to add 5 SP if the 4% chance to block is for the character, but just 1 if it's for the phantasm. It would be nice to have another passive way to increase your chance to block, otherwise it'd be nice to have someone by your side to take some damage for you.
Lvl 5:
Entropic Aura - 5 SP; We're only allowed 1 aura at a time, and this is the one I chose. This aura is obtained earlier in the game so we'll get more use from it, and on the harder difficulties I tend to go for defensive skills. Keep in mind that Devastate also slows the enemies, so all the baddies on the screen could be moving very slowly while we chop them up.
Armor Expertise - 5 SP; Our first defensive skill. This increases the protection our armor provides and reduces the requirements to wear said armor.
Lvl 25:
Spectral Decay - 10 SP; Our ultimate crowd control skill. This skill provides stun and some knockback, but more importantly it also increase the amount of damage we deal.

The general strategy of the build is fairly straight forward. Keep Frost Shield, Entropic Aura and Shadow Armor "active" at all times. Use your crowd control skill (Titan Stomp or Chain Vortex) and then use Spectral Decay. By this point the baddies should be incapacitated. Then cast Spectral Echo and use Devastate and Slash Attack to finish them off. If needed, Rinse and repeat the process on anything left over (provided we have enough Mana...).

Well, that's my way too specific/lengthy/too-thought-out-before-I-get-my-hands-on-the-game/theoretical build! :) Feel free to critique my thought process; I'd love to hear what everyone thinks!



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